Maintaining your heating and cooling system is a major factor in reducing energy costs, lengthening the system’s lifespan and providing reliable air conditioning. Air Tech of Houston AC & Plumbing recommends a heater tune-up once a year to make sure your system is operating at peak efficiency, but there are also other things you can do to promote a health heater yourself!
Professional maintenance is highly important, but your unit can really benefit from more frequent care than once a year. With just a few home habits, you can take care of several maintenance tasks throughout the year right at home, giving your heater the best chance of efficient and reliable performance. If you’re interested in DIY heater maintenance for your home, keep on reading!
Indoor Heater Maintenance
Checking on the components of your heater that are located inside your home is a great starting point. Depending on the type of heating system you have, you may need to deal with air ducts, air handlers, air filters and even furnaces themselves. Here are some tips:
Air Duct Cleaning
Dusting your air registers and taking a look into your air ducts can reveal collected contaminants quickly. If your ducts have been compromised by mold, dust or any other pollutant, consider getting a more thorough cleaning done. You can also check for obvious signs of damage that could cause your warm air to leak out in the winter before it even reachers your home.
Change Your Air Filters
For HVAC systems, changing out your air filters regularly can save your system a lot of stress and strain. Accumulated particles can clog up your heating system and cause it to malfunction or run inefficiently. Clean air filters also mean cleaner air every time you run the heater!
Air Handlers
For traditional HVAC systems, the air handler is likely located in an attic or storage closet, but ductless systems require air handlers to be installed on the interior wall of your home. Find your air handler(s) and complete some dusting and gentle wiping of visible parts. You might be surprised by the amount of dust, spider webs and other contaminants that have collected on this component!
Outdoor Heater Maintenance
With many heating systems, an outdoor unit is in charge of compression in the heating process. While these units are designed to withstand the elements, they can be affected by several things:
- Harsh weather
- Debris (tree branches, rocks, etc)
- Grime
- Dust
Make a point to clear off any debris that is stuck in or on the unit. If you feel comfortable opening the service panel on the side of the unit, you can clear any debris that’s entered the internal area. Next, use a littel water and a cloth to wipe the surface of the unit. You may clean the fan blades, but be very careful not to disturb their setting.
Relieving Stress From Your Heater
Besides maintaining your actual heating system, you can also prepare other areas in your home to help you heater when cold weather hits. The more insulated heat is in your home, the easier it is for your system to regulate the temperature. One of the most important components to check on is your attic insulation. If your attic insulation is old, your home will be far less efficient in the winter.
You can also make sure your blinds or window coverings are operational, which will limit the intrusion of cold through the windows. Reverse your ceiling fan directions to move warm air around the home more efficiently as well!
Professional Heater Tune-Ups
By completing some of these energy-saving tips around your home, your heater and air regulation will be much more efficient and effective. Of course, when it’s time for your annual heater tune-up from the pros, call on Air Tech of Houston AC & Plumbing to get the job done right!